Data page for Line Scanner project

Below you'll find data from the scanner project as progress is made. Order is reverse chronological with the most recent stuff on top.

software you can use to view this data:

Hand-held Rotary Cheese Grater (scanned manually, 4/1/01)

72-frame manual scan. This came out surprisingly well. Unfortunately there was some weird artifact in the vrml conversion which I can't figure out (which is not evident in the screenshot, but you'll see it in the vrml model).

Water Pistol 4 (scanned manually, 4/1/01)

72-frame manual scan. Another go a this one with more success.

Water Pistol 2 (scanned manually, 3/18/01)

72-frame manual scan. I offset the water pistol from the axis of rotation by about 3cm - the max possible before the end of it crashed into the arm of the turntable. Distortion on the turntable (had to replace the camera batteries which requires a tilt and I didn't recalibrate) and the pistol itself points to errors in my camera calibration and hence data reconstruction. Offsetting the object did wonders for lateral coverage, however.

Water Pistol 1 (scanned manually, 3/16/01)

This 72-frame manual scan was greatly helped debug the data. Notice how the center of the pistol is very densely covered as it is on the axis of rotation, at which the laser is trained.

Leather Wallet (scanned manually, 3/16/01)

This was the first manual scan which let me work out a bunch of bugs. The turntable is extremely clear and the wallet, opened slightly in order to stand, can be seen perched on top. There are some artifacts and a couple scanlines of the end-view.

Susan Ivannova (scanned automatically, 3/9/01, processed more recently)

This automatic 204-image scan was performed at roughly 27rpm and 10fps. You can see how inconsistent the turntable and/or the time between frames is. Motion-blur is also a horrendous problem.

Pot (scanned automatically, 3/9/01, processed more recently)

This automatic 244-image scan was performed at roughly 27rpm and 12fps. The pot is a wheel-thrown (by me) pot which was placed upside-down on the axis of rotation to serve as a test by scanning a symmetrical object. The banding in the data is due to the multiple rotations giving increasingly more coverage.